Friday, February 24, 2006

Ethics, Fear, and the Like

Michael Gelb says in his book about the world's greatest geniuses:

The search for morality should be the of the upmost importance in our lives, even if it makes us feel uncomfortable.

One day, it would be nice to break from the chains of comfort and experience new feelings...
but we all have fears.

Going a bit further....I begin to ask myself, "What would I do if I had no fear????"


BeeJ said...

This is one of those moments where I wished blogger had a facility to draw an excel table so I could match the fear with its no-fear alternative. But, here goes, albeit briefly:

-- I would launch Playboy Middle East with pure Middle Eastern centerfolds.

-- I would open the first official first class gay night club in the Middle East. I'm not gay. Do you know how much money we're talking?

-- I would start a band to vent my frustration with the illusions and lameness of Lebanon's social ecosystem.

-- I would take a two year break to pursue my personal interests of learning certain things, writing, and travelling around the planet and attending concerts of my favourite artists

BeeJ said...

Michael Gelb would obviously be pretty upset if he read this. I'm getting all sorts of thoughts right now. Thank you for the provocation.

Zanzounito said...

those are GREAT ideas! very ingenious....