Friday, March 24, 2006

Venetian Glass

As one who sails upon a wide, broken sea
Far out of land, his mind intent up on the sailing of his little boat.
On tightening ropes and shaping fair his course,

Hears suddenly, across the endless sea.
The rhythm striking of some towered clock.
And wakes from thoughtless idleness to time;
Time; the slow pulse which beats eternity!

So through the vacancy of busy life.
At intervals you cross my path and bring
The deep solemnity of passing years.
For you I have shed bitter tears, for you
I have relinquished that for which my heart cried
In selfish longing.

And to-night, having just left you, I can say"

"Tis well, Thank God I have known a soul so true,
so nobly just, so worthy to be loved."

-Amy Lowell

Typing this out helps sooth the pain.


Eve said...

I'm sure I read a beautiful post of yours somewhere here. did you erase it or something?

Zanzounito said...

why, yes i did. i felt like i was overexposing myself..have you ever expressed yourself so deeply that it feels like you're standing bare naked infront of a crowd for all to see? that's how that post felt :)

Eve said...

yeah, I believe I went through this before :)
I'm not saying that your other posts don't reflect you, but when I read that one, I felt I was reading you without that self-censorship that we use sometimes while we write, you know?
for what it's worth, I loved it :)